Sunday 21 January 2007

The 100 McNuggets Challenge

Originally conceived on a stag party to Bratislava whilst refuelling before another monstrous drinking session, the 100 Chicken Nugget challenge was laid down.

It went something like this…..“ I bet I could eat 100 nuggets”, to which the collective reply of “bollocks” was heard. The challenge was on!

Simply purchase a 100 McNuggets, you are allowed 4 dips and a regular sized drink (diet is allowed but if you’re going to do this you really shouldn’t need to worry about calorie counting!).

Sit down, start the stop watch, pop those bad-boys in your mouth and get chewing. Ideally you should video the whole thing. Post your YouTube link and the time you completed the challenge to be included in the hall of fame.

Good luck and remember that Ronny Mc D supports responsible eating.

This site is not affiliated in any way with the McDonalds Corporation.

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